Welcome to City of Malabon Unicersity,
Incoming First Year Students for Undergraduate Programs:
A. For New High School Graduates:
1. Original and photocopy of high school report card (form 138) signed by the school Principal and/or Registrar.
2. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character.
3. One (1) piece 1x1 picture.
B. For High School graduates whose report card (Form 138) have not been used for a year or more after graduation:
1. Original and photocopy of high school report card (form 138) signed by the school Principal and/or Registrar.
2. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character.
3. One (1) piece 1x1 picture.
4. Certification from High School Principal and/or Registrar with school’s dry seal that no copy of applicant’s Form 137 has been sent to other College or University.
5. Notarized affidavit that the applicant did not enroll in any College or University within and/or outside the country with “waiver” that if there is concealment of previous enrollment, the City of Malabon University enrollment shall be null and void.
D. Accelerated Students for Undergraduate Programs:
1. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Acceleration/Acceleration Diploma.
2. Original and photocopy of the Examination Result.
3. Original and photocopy of Certification of Completion/Passing the Acceleration Examination (Equivalent to Completion of Secondary Level) released by the Administering Officer of the Department of Education.
E. Transferees for Undergraduate Programs:
1. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records (TOR) or original Certificate of Grades.
2. Honorable Dismissal or Certificate of Transfer.
3. One (1) piece 1x1 picture.
4. Applicant’s for transfer shall not have failing mark or unauthorized withdrawal (UW) or unofficially dropped (UD) in any subject.
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 7pm
You can also request more information with this form: